All Aboard The Tsypkin Train

The meet, at CrossFit SA1, went pretty well on Saturday. I mean, I got the total I needed – the 245 has enabled me to compete at the British Seniors in July. I almost bombed my snatch though! I pressed out 100kg, after hitting it comfortably in the warm up area. Then I threw 102 WAAY out in front. I got it done though!

The C&J was a completely different kettle of fish though. I pushed my opener up to 140, from 135. 140 sailed up, followed by 143 just 2 minutes later. With qualification confirmed I tried 150m for a PB C&J and PB total of 252. Easy clean, missed jerk…slightly gutted.

Job done though!

There were some more than decent lifters at the meet, namely Faye Pittman (75/100 at 69kg) and Jake Davies (120/140 @ 94kg). See the video for them lifting.


My training, since the Welsh Champs, has felt a little wayward. Enter my good friend and former coach, Jacob Tsypkin. Jacob is a great coach in both weightlifting and CrossFit. One of his athletes is a Juggernaut Training Systems athlete, he has two individuals and a team going to a very competitive Nor Cal Regional in May. Jacob also programs for Monterey Barbell Club (I know, he’s a busy boy!). Jacob did my CrossFit programming for a couple of years and he helped me win the UK Sectionals and finish 21st in Europe last year (with a torn bicep!). He knows my schedule, how my body works, what my lifting needs are – quite simply, he is going to help me hit a 115/155 total in Bangor – just 12 weeks away now!

Todays session wasn’t a tough session, but it was hard work. Everything was slow and laborious. Tomorrow sees the start of hitting some nasty complexes…they will be revealed tomorrow.


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Tuesday – Powers and GPP

The hip is feeling much better today. Lots of distraction and 3D hip mobility drills seem to be fixing the problem. I might be able to squat tomorrow! 😀

Here are the two drills I’ve been focussing on


Skip to 3:00


On a separate note, the first Athletic Evolution workshop is taking shape. It will be a one day Olympic Lifting workshop. I spent some time today talking with Jacob Tsypkin and Zachary Krych about layout and content. If you don’t know who they are (why wouldn’t you), click their names.

Jacob is a very good coach, currently coaching Ariel Stephens. She is rising stock on the US weightlifting scene!

Zach has a C&J PB of 195kg at 85kg BW. I guess that makes him legit!

Tuesday 15th January 2013

Power Snatch – 82% x 1 x 4 (90kg)
Power Clean & Power Jerk – 82% x 1 x 4 (120kg)
3 rounds
10 Ring Row (Feet elevated)
10 Tempo GHD (3-0-1-0)
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When Did That Happen?

When did my children feel so heavy to pick up?

When did they add the five extra steps to the stairs in my house?

When did normal, everyday activities become so strenuous?


I spoke with Jacob Tsypkin just this week about how his body was in pieces and how mine was still lapping up all the stimulus being placed upon it…those words were short lived! Today, nearly everything hurts. Wrists – check, neck – check…in fact; my entire spine feels like it’s made of concrete! Hips, knees and ankles – check, check and check! Time to increase my fish oil intake – CHECK!

Who knew that trying to be a weightlifter would suck as much as trying to be a competitive CrossFitter?

Regardless of the aches and pains – I’ve hit a 100kg snatch and 135kg in the past 2 weeks, so I can’t really complain too much! If I wasn’t seeing any progression you’d see some REAL whining!

Why do you do what you do?